Starting at 6.53 €
Retail Price 15.10 €

PF Concept 135105 - Seconds 5W wireless charging clock - Solid Black

  1-11 12-35 36-71 72-143 144-287 288 + More Stock Qty.
Unique 9.34 8.41 7.94 7.47 7.00 6.53 2438
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PF Concept 135105

The Seconds wireless charging clock with alarm function can be used on any desk or night stand. Always know what time it is while using the top to charge your wireless charging enabled smartphone. The clock can also show temperature in either Celsius or Fahrenheit. Supports wireless charging at up to 1A. Wireless charging only works with devices that support it. For devices that don’t support wireless charging, an external wireless charging receiver or receiver case is required. Includes Micro USB charging cable.

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PF Concept 135105 - Seconds 5W wireless charging clock Solid Black
Solid Black
Size 1-11 12-35 36-71 72-143 144-287 288 + More Stock Qty.
Unique 9.34 8.41 7.94 7.47 7.00 6.53 2438